Using this technique is the safest possible method for wax removal.
The process is quick, usually over within a few minutes and most patients find it comfortable and painless.
The key to making this so safe is that we can see everything we are doing during the removal. Unlike ear syringing, where ear wax is flushed out using water, during micro suction, the canal and the ear wax is being directly viewed with the microscope whilst it is being removed. Other benefits of this type of ear wax removal include:
Most patients will not be required to use drops prior to the removal, this can save time and take away the difficult job of administering them. On some occasions drops can still help.
This means both the ear canal and patient stay dry, there is no pressure from the water applied to the eardrum and the risk of infection is greatly reduced.
Anyone with a hole in their eardrum will have found it impossible to have it cleaned using syringing. With micro suction however it is not a problem. It can also be used to remove any foreign objects and for cleaning Mastoid cavities.
For unilateral ear wax removal
For bilateral ear wax removal
Please get in touch below and one of our team members will be in contact shortly to arrange your appointment with you.
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